A new (and unfortunately clever) form of gold spamming  

Posted by Unknown

If any of you on the US Nesingwary server spent any time in Stormwind yesterday afternoon/evening, you may have noticed some dead bodies laying around in the street between the bank and the auction house. Quite a few dead bodies... In fact I would go so far as to say, a shit-load of dead bodies. Now, that in and of itself is not all that unusual. Perhaps, you might say to yourself, perhaps the horde staged a raid and the last line of defense was right here.

But (and this is a BIG but) the bodies all appeared to be level ones, all with names apparently typed by someone running their finger randomly over the keyboard. For example, Ikjhgghddhjhjh. That could very well have been the name of one of the bodies.

Perhaps, you might say again, perhaps there just happened to be a whole lot of level ones standing around at the point the horde raid hit that particular area of Stormwind. Level ones who happened to have PVP enabled.

But (and this is an even BIGGER but) these level one bodies with the unpronouncable names, who may or may not have been standing in the wrong area at the wrong time, and who happened to (rather unwisely, for a level one) have PVP enabled, were arranged in a very, VERY odd manner. They were perfectly arranged to spell out the name of a website. As in, VOODOODAD.BLOGGER.COM. That's not what it said, of course. That is the address of the blog you are currently (hopefully with unflagging interest) reading. I highly doubt that I have enough friends on line that would lay down their virtual lives in order to promote my somewhat mediocer blog spot. I just used my address as an example, because the website therein advertised by these hundred or more dead bodies turned out to be (not surprisingly) a gold selling site.

Now, as much as I hate gold farmers and the websites they inhabit, I have to admit this was a pretty clever piece of advertising. I found I just HAD to log out of the game in order to check and see what the website advertised was. I pretty much knew when I saw it (the bodies spelling the name), but I still had to see it (the website itself) to make sure it was real.

The thing that's nagging at my oh so curious brain now is, how the HELL did they do it?

First of all, I personally do not know of any way to just spontaneously drop dead in the game of WoW. Well short of a hunter's feign death, but that's like a level 40 spell, and these guys were nowhere near that. It couldn't have been the rampaging horde that killed all of them, as there would've been a lot bigger mess than there was. I'm stumped as to how they all died.

Secondly, how did they get their bodies to fall in exactly the correct positions to neatly spell out the name of the website? I mean, these guys were not sprawled all over the pavement, they were extremely neatly laid out. It looked like graffiti painted with dead people for God's sake!

I guess I'll just have to accept the fact that I'll never know for sure how it happened, but if anyone has even the slightest clue, let me know. I'm dyin' here!

A frikkin' HOLE in Jupiter!  

Posted by Unknown

I'm about a week or so behind the times on this news story, but it turns out... THERE'S A FRIKKIN' HOLE IN JUPITER!

How could such a thing happen? What caused it? The story says that something nearly the size of the Earth plunged into the atmosphere of Jupiter and left this huge hole.

You mean to tell me there are things, EARTH SIZED THINGS, just floating around out there waiting to plunge into the atmosphere of perfectly innocent and seemingly unaware planets at any moment?

Frankly, if anything even approaching the size of a Mini Cooper is coming toward MY planet, I want to KNOW about it! And then I want Bruce Willis sent up there to DO something about it! And if we can't get Bruce, then at least get Robert Duvall and Morgan Freeman to work on the problem!

By the way, I don't want to hear about how Jupiter was asking for it, dressing that way. Jupiter is a nice planet, I don't care what anyone says.

Next time something like this happens, could somebody just give me the slightest hint of a heads up? I mean, JEEZ!

A first time for everything.  

Posted by Unknown

Well, hi there! Welcome to my very first blog! For the time being, just my close friends and all my pals from the nUI forums on WoWInterface will be reading this until I've taken in enough comments and criticisms to figure out exactly how this thing is gonna be set up.

In the meantime, come on in and relax! Put your feet up and stay for a while.

Scott, have a beer. Silenia, have a seat over there by Scott. Vis, take a break from giving everyone good advice about addons and sit down for a while. Xrystal, stop rolling on the floor laughing and have a cookie or something...

There, that's better. Everyone comfy? Good.

Now... What to blog about?

Oh, yeah! My first blog is gonna be about what I'm gonna blog about in future blogs.

Hmmm. Could I squeeze the word "blog" into that sentence one more time?

Anyway, my intention here is to write about any little thing that strikes my fancy on any given day. I'm sure I'll be writing a LOT about World of Warcraft as that takes up about 90% of my free time, either playing or reading the forums on WoWInterface.

I'll probably delve into the political at times, at the risk of losing half of my friends to boredom or political disagreements.

I'll probably stray into the area of the paranormal at times as well. Paranormal stuff has always intrigued me, even though I've never had any experiences of my own.

Above all, I'll talk about whatever YOU want to talk about. I'm always up for the shout outs from the crowd.

So what are you waiting for? Throw me some fast balls and lets see if I can hit 'em out of the park.